Sections : International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) Variation due to Local Ground Conditions Variation of Density due to Humidity Variation of Density with Extremely High Altitude Tabulated Data : Table of Atmosphere Properties. Software : | VARIATION IN DENSITY DUE TO HUMIDITYThe density of the air for a given level of humidity can be found by applying a correction factor to the above calculated perfect gas density. $$ρ=ρ_{PG}K_h\text" "ρ_{PG}=P/{RT}$$ The correction factor, $ K_h $, can be found by using wet and dry bulb temperature measurements to predict relative humidity as shown in the table below. The relative humidity can be used to obtain the density correction factor from the following graph. Note that the density correction factor produced assumes approximately sea level pressure in the application of these formula. Table: Relative Humidity (%) based on measured Temperature Difference
Reference: "Handbook of Chemistry and Physics" Ed R.C.Weast, The Chemical Rubber Co., Ohio, 1964 Humidity Correction Factor. |